What is an Entrepreneur? There are many definitions but often it refers to someone who is creative and has moved into a business that sells a product or service that is innovative. Entrepreneurs can be anyone, including you! The average person comes up with innovative ideas but few recognise that they could make their idea profitable. Most are unsure where to start. I’m particularly
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Working on Exciting New Projects in 2023!
Our Business is a finalist in the Telstra Business Women’s awards for 2017!
What an amazing team we have at Vision Psychology and M1 Psychology.
My focus in 2023 will be an exciting adventure. My team of mental health experts will be the first to know of new developments. Please reach out on LinkedIn if you wish to connect.
Mental Androgyny
What is Androgyny? Androgyny is a fascinating concept which has many applications in every day life. Being Androgynous usually refers to being both male or female and is commonly used when referring to the way someone looks (i.e. being male and female). As a psychologist I like the idea of
Are you a Tall Poppy?
Tall Poppy Syndrome is fortunately not a mental illness diagnosis, but a phenomena of social culture. The general term refers to the negativity by majority to those who excel or stand out. Most of the literature seems to point to Australians having this reaction to those that are different. Still