Health practitioners such as psychologists are bound to ethical codes that require us to “do the right thing”, but alas how do you figure out what the right thing is? Is not taught at university. Academic courses are often run by academics who have been employees for the majority of their working life, and therefore are not familiar with Australian business rules, the ATO, technological advances service delivery, marketing, the process of selling a service or practice innovation in a commercial context.
Business ethics is one of the areas in which health practitioners are not well trained. In my discussions with colleagues there are many issues that are raised but never taught within health practitioner courses. I have over the years extensively worked in other fields other than psychology so it is second nature to routinely examine the business side of ethics. I have worked in construction management and various other roles over my life and this has helped me learn about the process of seeking information.
In in order to provide information to my trainees and fellow psychologists, I shall add topics to this link on issues I have researched and found to be useful. If you like these pages please share them with your friends and let me know what other topics might be helpful.