Recent publications and conference presentations since 2005 (peer reviewed)
Jarrett, V. (June, 2011) Supervision of Midwives in birth trauma RCT. International Conference of Midwifery,Durban South Africa. (presentation)
Jarrett, V. (2-3 December 2010) Using E-technology to build research teams and assure quality in a multi-centre research trial. Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference, Gold Coast. (Presentation)
Gamble, J., Boorman, R., & Jarrett, V. (2-4 Sept 2010) Trauma associated with Childbirth: Rethinking Resilience and Recovery. Australian Conference on Traumatic Stress, Brisbane. (Poster presentation *Awarded prize)
Jarrett, V. (6 May 2010) Therapists’ perception of mental illness. Australian College of Counselling Psychologists. QUT Kelvin Grove. (Workshop Presentation: Review pg 33)
Jarrett. V. (16 October 2009) A new measure of discrimination in mental illness. IAPA Cultural Psychiatry Association Conference. Gold Coast.
Gamble, J., Jarrett, V., Fenwick, J., Buist, A., Creedy, D. K., Barclay, L., et al. (2008). The midwifery PRIME intervention: Training Manual. Griffith University.
McGrath, P., & Jarrett, V. (2007) The Problem of Stigma during End-of-life Care at a Psychiatric Institution. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 11 (2) 19-30.
Jarrett, V. ( December 2007) Development of a New Measure of Discrimination in Mental Illness. Gold Coast Health & Medical Research Conference. Gold Coast.
Jarrett, V. (October 2006) Stereotype Vulnerability: The impact of disclosing a mental illness history.Perspectives, Peer Support and Innovative Practices in Recovery Conference. Melbourne.
Pun, P., & Jarrett, V. (February 2006) Innovative Consumer Centred Training Workshop on Bipolar Affective Disorder for Psychiatric Trainees. Australian Society for Bipolar Disorders Conference.Melbourne.
Pun, P., Jarrett, V., McGrath, P., & Kalyanasundaram, V. (2005) Twin Reflections: Consumer-Driven Schizophrenia Workshop for Psychiatry Registrars. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. 10 (1), 5-17.